Compartment syndrome refers to the increased pressure in the space that contains muscles, blood vessels, and nerves all tightly enclose by fascia. This increase in pressure is cause by fluid accumulating in these spaces, called compartments, and interferes with blood flow sometimes causing sever pain.
Creatine phosphate is the initial source of energy available to regenerate ATP from ADP and phosphate. It supplies energy form muscle contraction by storing energy released from mitochondria and the energy stored is released when a high amount of cellular ATP is present.
In muscle, myoglobin is able to store oxygen temporarily.
Oxygen is usually brought to muscle cells by means of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Oxygen is breathed in and goes into the blood stream. Blood carries the oxygen from the lugs to muscle cells.
Oxygen is necessary for muscle contraction because, in order to breakdown glucose for energy need in muscle contraction, oxygen is used.
Muscles continue to contract in the absence of oxygen through glycosis, the energy-releasing breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid.
Oxygen debt refers to the oxygen that will have to be used later in order to use the lactic acid produced to create glucose and aslo the oxygen that is required to restore the original concentrations of resynthesized ATP and creatine phosphate.
Muscle fatigue is the loss of ability to contract a muscle caused by exercising over a long period of time.
Threshold stimulus - stimulation level that must be exceeded to elicit a nerve impulse or a muscle contraction.
All-or-none response - phenomenon in which a muscle fiber or neuron completely responds when it is exposed to a stimulus of threshold strength.
Concentric muscle contractions occur when a muscle shortens as it contracts. Eccentric muscle contractions occur when a musle lengthens as it contracts because the force a muscle generates is less than that which is needed to complete a task.
Hypertrophy is the enlargement of an organ or tissue. Atrophy is the wasting away or decrease in size of an organ or tissue.
Creatine phosphate is the initial source of energy available to regenerate ATP from ADP and phosphate. It supplies energy form muscle contraction by storing energy released from mitochondria and the energy stored is released when a high amount of cellular ATP is present.
In muscle, myoglobin is able to store oxygen temporarily.
Oxygen is usually brought to muscle cells by means of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Oxygen is breathed in and goes into the blood stream. Blood carries the oxygen from the lugs to muscle cells.
Oxygen is necessary for muscle contraction because, in order to breakdown glucose for energy need in muscle contraction, oxygen is used.
Muscles continue to contract in the absence of oxygen through glycosis, the energy-releasing breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid.
Oxygen debt refers to the oxygen that will have to be used later in order to use the lactic acid produced to create glucose and aslo the oxygen that is required to restore the original concentrations of resynthesized ATP and creatine phosphate.
Muscle fatigue is the loss of ability to contract a muscle caused by exercising over a long period of time.
Threshold stimulus - stimulation level that must be exceeded to elicit a nerve impulse or a muscle contraction.
All-or-none response - phenomenon in which a muscle fiber or neuron completely responds when it is exposed to a stimulus of threshold strength.
Concentric muscle contractions occur when a muscle shortens as it contracts. Eccentric muscle contractions occur when a musle lengthens as it contracts because the force a muscle generates is less than that which is needed to complete a task.
Hypertrophy is the enlargement of an organ or tissue. Atrophy is the wasting away or decrease in size of an organ or tissue.